What is Polynesian Futurism?

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Image of the Hokule’a juxtaposed to the Milky Way. Image Credit: Gregory C. Loui

Polynesian Futurism is a speculative process based on Polynesian culture and specific problems we face. It uses this context to create a unique future and reject the popular historization that separates Polynesians from the modern world. One can find Polynesian futurism not just in movies or novels but also in music, entertainment or any type of cultural practice that deals with the future. It is most similar to Afro-Futurism and Indigenous Futurism.

Why does Polynesian Futurism matter?

Science-Fiction and Futurism, specifically Polynesian Futurism is a methodology that can help save Polynesians and the larger Pacific Islander community because of its ability to investigate the present and the future. Pacific Islanders face the most present and future danger from Climate Change and Pollution. Rising sea levels and foreign interests threaten Pacific Islanders on an existential level. Entire islands face being swept underwater. Pacific Islander culture, though we have managed to revive bits and pieces, needs a movement to not just survive but thrive in this changing world. Futurism is a way to blend our traditions with forward thinking. It can prepare Pacific Islanders for a dark future, or it could inspire people to save our world before it is too late.

Plus it’s fun.

Afro-Futurism and Indigenous Futurism

Though Polynesian and Pacific Islander Futurism is distinct from any other kind of Futurism, it holds common themes to Afro-Futurism and Indigenous Futurism due to the shared experiences of Colonization and Marginalization. All three forms of Futurism have different purposes and act in different ways but are essential to helping the human condition.

Front and back cover of 'Reynaldo' displaying Afrofuturism designs
Cover of Afrofuturism 2.0 by  Reynaldo Anderson (Editor) & Charles E. Jones (Editor), Credit: John Jennings

Afro-Futurism is a cultural movement among the African Diaspora that examines and re-imagines the Black Experience through Speculative Fiction into a creative force. Famous Authors include Octavia E. Butler, N.K. Jemision and Tomi Adeyemi.

The movement resonates well with Polynesian and Pacific Islander Futurism due to the common discrimination against dark skin, the diaspora that Pacific Islanders exist in and the stereotypes of physicality over mental abilities. Since the Afro-Futurism movement has existed for almost a century, Polynesian and Pacific Islander Futurism has much to learn from the Afro-Futurism movement. 

Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse 

Indigenous Futurism is a lesser known cultural movement that deals with the experiences of the American First Nations people, striving to connect American First Nation culture to the modern world and the future. Common mediums include Science-Fiction, Videogames and Multimedia art productions.

Polynesian/Pacific Islander and Indigenous experiences are often considered related in the ways that they have suffered from colonization. Population loss, Land loss, Cultural erasure and Cultural Appropriation; many of the problems that the First Nations suffer from, Polynesians and Pacific Islanders suffer from as well. I have talked with a couple of Native American authors and the sentiment that I’ve found is that they consider us cousins of sorts. I hope that Polynesian Futurism can both learn from Indigenous Futurism and become allies in decolonizing our world.

1 thought on “What is Polynesian Futurism?

  1. Interesting article! Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

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